Rendons un hommage particulier aux Filles de Marie-de-l'Assomption de Campbellton
Rendons un hommage particulier aux Filles de Marie-de-l'Assomption de Campbellton
Published on October 30 2024

Let us pay special tribute to the Daughters of Mary of the Assumption of Campbellton

Since its creation, the Marichette Foundation has been the lucky beneficiary of the exceptional generosity of our religious communities.
Today we pay a special tribute to the Daughters of Mary of the Assumption of Campbellton without whom the Marichette Foundation would not exist.
They were among our – if not – the first major donors who gave the Foundation the impetus to pursue its mission.
They recently made us another generous donation which adds to the other amounts received since the creation of the Marichette Foundation.
Our president, Nicole Gionet, visited them this week to thank them “in person” and tell them all the good they continue to do to help NB women regain their financial independence.

We will be forever grateful to them. Thanks to them and all our generous donors, the Marichette Foundation contributes to a crying need in our society.